90 Minute Team Training – Intelligence Centers

Do you know your primary way of taking in information? You’re either a head, heart, or a gut type.

A fascinating insight into managing your instincts, feelings, and thoughts.

An Introductory Teaching on Intelligence Centers

The intelligence Centers are simplified into three groups (Gut, Heart, & Head) with three enneagram types in each center. The Body center contains types 8, 9, and 1. The Heart center contains types 2, 3, and 4. The Head center contains types 5, 6, and 7.

A Comprehensive Overview on each Center

The Intelligence Centers show the way in which we typically react to events in our lives. While we all have heads, hearts, and bodies, each of us tends to favor one of these means of expression.

An inventory on frequent emotions.

Each participant will have time to share what emotions they have experienced frequently in the past several years.. While not everyone is required to share, we do strongly encourage it as sharing allows for understanding on how to best work with each other.

See what they’re saying…

Getting to hear how everyone thinks, acts, and behaves the way they do was very eye opening. I’d love to have more trainings like this one!



Montgomery Chiropractic

It was so helpful to learn the basic desire and fear of my personality type. I was looking at it from my assumption so lining this up with my actual Type (5) makes a lot more sense than the Type I thought I was (2).




This training deserves a 10/10 rating! It gave me the opportunity to be introspective, something that doesn’t come naturally for me. I wish we had more time!



Tree Mann Solutions.

Pricing starts at $1350

For teams of 10 or less

Chick-Fil-A Chambers

Leadership Team

Montgomery Chiropractic

Entire Staff

Glass Expanse

Executive Directors

New Lead – Enneagram Team Training